Contact for the resource

Linn Chong

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  • RGB images containing honey bees and bumble bees (with stationary nadir view) collected in cultivars: (i) phaceliia, (ii) phacellia-maize intercropping (iii) flower mix (iv) flower mix - maize intercropping. and also images taken using smartphone with honey bees and bumble bees in focus. We manually annotated RGB images with bounding boxes. each bounding box categorises the bee as a honey bee or a bumble bee or an unknown bee. Unknown bees are bees which could be a bumble bee or a honey bee, but based on the image, we could not tell exactly which category it actually belongs to. Flies that look similar to bees are also labelled as unknown bees. We saved the labels are in the YOLO format.

  • UAV RGB images captured using PhaseOne. Also included, the process orthophotos and camera extrinsics. Data collected in 2023 at the PhenoRob Central Experiments in CKA.

  • Same field, different sensors and robots.