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UAV RGB images captured using PhaseOne. Also included, the process orthophotos and camera extrinsics. Data collected in 2023 at the PhenoRob Central Experiments in CKA.
This dataset contains semantic segmentation train-validation-test data splits of (1) the ISPRS Potsdam orthomosaic (https://www.isprs.org/education/benchmarks/UrbanSemLab/2d-sem-label-potsdam.aspx), (2) the RIT-18 landcover orthomosaic (https://github.com/rmkemker/RIT-18), and (3) the industrial environment of the photorealistic Flightmare quadrotor simulator (https://github.com/uzh-rpg/flightmare). All splits are generated by simulating UAV missions at fixed altitudes. We use these datasets in our "An Informative Path Planning Framework for Active Learning in UAV-based Semantic Mapping" paper. Further, it contains (4) model checkpoints of our proposed Bayesian ERFNet framework (https://github.com/dmar-bonn/bayesian_erfnet) pre-trained on Cityscapes, (5) the ISPRS Potsdam and RIT-18 RGB and semantically labelled orthomosaics, and (6) the Flightmare render binary for the industrial environment.
The dataset RGB-MiniplotBarley contains 22164 RGB images of 11 time points 21. jun - 7. jul 2022 of two genotypes of spring barley grown under single-nutrient deficiencies of N, P, K, S, B and one multi-nutrient deficient treatment from miniplot fertilizer trial at Campus Klein-Altendorf of University of Bonn. The images are annotated with plot number, genotype and fertilizer management and have been taken for a Deep Learning approach for nutrient deficiency recognition.
This data set contains online survey data from an experiment investigating German public attitudes towards agricultural robots. Major components are the data set containing 2,269 complete questionnaires (after data cleaning), the according Stata do-file to analyze the data and the output files from the preceding construct validity tests in SPSS.
The global supply of phosphorus is decreasing. At the same time, climate change reduces the water availability in most regions of the world. Insights on how decreasing phosphorus availability influences plant architecture is crucial to understand its influence on plant functional properties, such as the root system’s water uptake capacity. In this study we investigated the structural and functional responses of \textit{Zea mays} to varying phosphorus fertilization levels focusing especially on the root system’s conductance. A rhizotron experiment with soils ranging from severe phosphorus deficiency to sufficiency was conducted. We measured architectural parameters of the whole plant and combined them with root hydraulic properties to simulate time-dependent root system conductance of growing plants under different phosphorus levels. We observed changes of the root system architecture, characterized by decreasing crown root elongation and reduced axial root radii with declining phosphorus availability. Modeling revealed that only plants with optimal phosphorus availability sustained a high root system conductance, while all other phosphorus levels led to a significantly lower root system conductance, both under light and severe phosphorus deficiency. We postulate that phosphorus deficiency initially enhances root system function for drought mitigation but eventually reduce biomass and impairs root development and water uptake in prolonged or severe cases of drought. Our results also highlight the fact that root system organization, rather than its total size, is critical to estimate important root functions.
The dataset contains 7 maize plants measured on 12 days. This gives 84 maize point clouds (about 90 Mio. points). From these, 49 point clouds (about 60 Mio. points) are labeled. Furthermore, the dataset contains 7 tomato plants measured on 20 days (about 350 Mio. points). This gives 140 point clouds from which 77 point clouds (200 Mio. points) are labeled. Note that we provide temporally consistent labels for each point in the clouds. We provide labeled and unlabeled point clouds, the file name indicates whether the point cloud is annotated or not. For example, M01_0313_a.xyz is labeled, M01_0314.xyz is not labeled. For the tomato plant point clouds, each annotated file contains the x,y,z coordinates, and the label associated with the point. For the maize point clouds. Each file annotated contains the x,y,z coordinates, and the 2 labels associated with the point. For both species, if no labels are provided, the files contain only the x,y,z coordinates. Cite: D. Schunck, F. Magistri, R. A. Rosu, A. Cornelißen, N. Chebrolu, S. Paulus, J. Léon, S. Behnke, C. Stachniss, H. Kuhlmann, and L. Klingbeil, “Pheno4D: A spatio-temporal dataset of maize and tomato plant point clouds for phenotyping and advanced plant analysis,” PLOS ONE, vol. 16, iss. 8, pp. 1-18, 2021. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0256340.
This dataset contains the multitemporal RGB-Image field patches of the "PhenoRob Core Project 5 Mixed Cropping" experiment located at Campus Klein-Altendorf from 2020. 320 Field Patches, including both bean-wheat mixtures but also reference monocultures, were overflown by drone at 11 different time points (RGB) during the growing season. The cropped orthomosaics were rotated for ease of handling and processed to a uniform ground resolution of 3 mm. File endings 'A' and 'B' stand for two different used cameras (also different drones), resulting in slight spectral differences in the images. However, all RGB images are in TIFF format and of type UINT8.
This data set is generated by the bio-economic farm-level model FarmDyn (https://farmdyn.github.io/documentation/). X_raw.parquet.gzip contains the input data (77 variables), and Y_raw.parquet.gzip contains the corresponding output data (248 output variables). A farm in FarmDyn maximizes its profit based on the what input values are given (e.g. crop prices, farm size, etc.). The output variables are either a farm's decisions of farming activites or the outcomes of its decisions. The data can be read in python by pd.read_parquet.
SB20 is a sugar beet dataset that was captured at a field on campus Klein Altendorf of the University of Bonn. The data was captured by mounting an Intel RealSense D435i sensor with a nadir view of the ground on a Sagarobot. It contains RGB-Dimages of sugarbeet and eight different categories of weeds covering a range of growth stages, natural world illumination conditions, and challenging occlusions. The dataset provides multi-class annotations.
Data to replicate findings of Schulz, D., & Börner, J. (2022). Innovation context and technology traits explain heterogeneity across studies of agricultural technology adoption: A meta‐analysis. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1477-9552.12521.