long-term fertilizer field-trial
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The dataset RGB-divCrops-LTFT-Halle2 contains 6434 RGB images of 2 time points 3.+ 15. jun 2022 of barley, potatoe, rye, sugar beet and wheat from long-term field fertilizer trial at University of Halle. The images are annotated with crop and fertilizer management and have been taken for a Deep Learning approach for nutrient deficiency recognition.
The dataset RGB-Wheat-LTFT-Bonn contains 7361 RGB images of 22 time points 6. Feb. - 12. June 2020 of winter wheat variety 'Boss' from long-term field fertilizer trial at University of Bonn. The images are annotated with crop, variety and fertilizer management, including single-nutrient omission of N, P and K, a treatment without liming, an unfertilized treatment, ctrl and ctrl plus manure, and have been taken for a Deep Learning approach for nutrient deficiency recognition.
The dataset RGB-divCrops-LTFT-Halle1 contains 8689 RGB images of 16 time points 9. apr - 19. aug 2021 of barley, potatoe, rye, sugar beet and wheat from long-term field fertilizer trial at University of Halle. The images are annotated with crop and fertilizer management and have been taken for a Deep Learning approach for nutrient deficiency recognition.
Our hypothesis relied on the importance of phenotypic traits in the influence of root and rhizosphere microbiome. That is because high-throughput cultivation of microbes from soil, applied to Wild Type and root mutant of maize. Soil for this experiment is collected from one of the oldest Long-Term Experiments – Dikopshof field. Low Phosphate content of this soil allows it to identify phosphate solubilizing microbes from the natural environment.
The dataset RGB-varWheat-LTFT-Bonn contains 5678 RGB images of 6 time points 8. may - 12. jun 2020 of various not annotated winter wheat varieties from long-term field fertilizer trial at University of Bonn. The images are annotated with crop and fertilizer management and have been taken for a Deep Learning approach for nutrient deficiency recognition.
The dataset RGB-varCereals-LTFT-Bonn contains 16717 RGB images of 17 time points 14. apr - 29. jul 2021 of barley, rye and wheat from long-term field fertilizer trial Dikopshof at University of Bonn. The images are annotated with crop, genotype and fertilizer management and have been taken for a Deep Learning approach for nutrient deficiency recognition.